Get Your Finances on Track with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys in Valdosta

Debt can pile up higher than Mount Everest, and at a certain point, it’s hard not to lose hope. Thankfully, there’s a way out. For individuals earning a regular wage, chapter 13 bankruptcy offers a means to consolidate debt into a payment structure that works for everyone involved. To increase your chances of successfully enrolling in a bankruptcy payment structure, …

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How Does PIP Insurance Work?

Florida law states that any resident of the state who owns an automobile must have a minimum of $10,000 of personal injury protection (PIP) auto insurance coverage. PIP is a form of no-fault insurance. If the owner wants to purchase a higher limit, appropriate coverage is available. If you’re the insured owner of an auto, regardless of fault, your PIP …

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Injured Victims Should Immediately Call a Personal Injury in Macon, GA

After an accident, an injured individual might hesitate about what they should do next. The first thing they should do is seek medical treatment immediately. After the initial medical treatment, they should contact a lawyer who specializes in personal injury in Macon, GA. Victims of a careless act of another individual or product need protection and their rights protected in …

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